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A History of Vietnam in Pictures - The Dawn Of Thăng Long (Hardcover)

Giá bìa: 180.000 ₫

Giá bán tại NETA: 144.000 ₫

Tiết kiệm: 36.000 ₫-20%

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Lý Công Uẩn founded the Lý dynasty at the dawn of the 11th century. The Lý dynasty lasted over 200 years and is one of the three most stable dynasties in the history of Vietnam. The Lý were successful in their undertaking from the beginning. They restored peace and order in many parts of the country. They defended borders north and south. The kingdom went from strength to strength with later kings continuing the good work of their predecessors. In the time of the Lý, Vietnam prospered and thrived.

One of the greatest achievements of the Lý was the relocation of the capital from Hoa Lư to Thăng Long. In the spring of 1010 Emperor Lý Thái Tổ wrote and issued the Edict on the Transfer of the Capital. The move signalled a new era for the country.

Sách A History of Vietnam in Pictures - The Dawn Of Thăng Long (Hardcover) của tác giả Edited by Trần Bạch Đằng; Text by Phan An; Pictures by Nguyễn Trung Tín; Coloured by Nguyễn Thùy Linh; Translated by Mai Barry and Patrick Barry, có bán tại Nhà sách online NetaBooks với ưu đãi Bao sách miễn phí và Gian hàng NetaBooks tại Tiki với ưu đãi Bao sách miễn phí và tặng Bookmark
A History of Vietnam in Pictures - The Dawn Of Thăng Long (Hardcover)

Giá bìa: 180.000 ₫

Giá bán tại NETA: 144.000 ₫

Tiết kiệm: 36.000 ₫-20%