A History Of Vietnam In Pictures - Born Of Dragons And Fairies

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  • Tiết kiệm: 14.000 ₫-20%
  • Loại bìa: PaperbackHardcover

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Giới thiệu sách A History Of Vietnam In Pictures - Born Of Dragons And Fairies

The series "A History of Vietnam in Pictures" presents the history of Vietnam in a brief, interesting and systematic style through concise tales and beautiful pictures.

Our very first kings were the Hùng kings. They built the foundation for the nation of Văn Lang - the very first page in our country’s history. This was also the time of beautiful stories which were first told by our ancestors before the start of writing. These stories give us our ancestors’ thoughts and dreams. Most of the stories, as you can guess, are legends. Nonetheless they teach us about a time so long ago.

This book contains two such stories: Born of Dragons and Fairies, and The Legend of Saint Gióng.

How much “history” is there in these tales? We do not know for sure. Still, the stories contain a lot of historical details, ancient traditions and customs including festivals that are still being celebrated in our time. With these we have a precious glimpse of the very first days of our people and country.

Sách A History Of Vietnam In Pictures - Born Of Dragons And Fairies của tác giả Edited by Trần Bạch Đằng; Text by Phan An; Pictures by Nguyễn Trung Tín; Coloured by Nguyễn Thùy Linh; Translated by Mai Barry and Patrick Barry, có bán tại Nhà sách online NetaBooks với ưu đãi Bao sách miễn phí và Gian hàng NetaBooks tại Tiki với ưu đãi Bao sách miễn phí và tặng Bookmark


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A History Of Vietnam In Pictures - Born Of Dragons And Fairies

A History Of Vietnam In Pictures - Born Of Dragons And Fairies

Giá bán tại NetaBooks: 56.000 ₫ 70.000 ₫
Tiết kiệm: 14.000 ₫-20%
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